WISEr Launch - We Love Wise Token

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Introduction WISEr

WISEr Token Launch


The $WISEr token is a decentralized share of reserves + revenue from our team's apps in the Wise Ecosystem. The initial principal raised in the token sale becomes the reserves to seed borrowing pools on @Liquid_NFTs etc.

The WISEr Token

The WISEr token is a decentralized share of reserves + revenue from our team’s apps in the Wise Ecosystem. The initial principal raised in the token sale becomes the reserves to seed borrowing pools.
The 50 day Auction:
The WISEr token sale is a 50 day long event, where 1.8% of supply is auctioned off each day to investors who pay in ETH. Each day is a fresh new auction, and price is determined by the total amount of ETH sent in by the end of that day. You can view a concluded version of our auction here.
1 Billion Supply Hard Cap:
    – 900 million for the auction (18m/1.8% per day for 50 days)
    –  90 million for referrals (10% commission on auction purchases)
    –  10 million for misc. (marketing, cex listing, etc.)


Claiming WISEr Tokens:

  • For investors in the auction: tokens are claimable across an 18 month linear vesting period.
  • Referrers: can claim 100% of their commissions immediately after the auction is over.
  • To cash out: Holders must BURN their WISEr tokens from supply.
Redeeming: (Burning WISEr to cash out)
Users may redeem their share of total funds in the WISEr smart contract, which includes the initial auction funds, interest earned from borrowers, and protocol fees from multiple platforms.
Claims are redeemed in WISE and can be swapped into ETH here.
    – 100% of the redeemed WISEr is burned from supply.
  • – The % of WISEr supply burned equals the % of total funds claimed. 
  •    (E.g. burn 1% of WISEr total supply to redeem 1% of total funds in the contract.)
  • – As long as WISEr is held without being burnt, it is earning borrowing fees and platform fees which are constantly being added to the WISEr contract.
Minting WISEr:
WISEr will never have more than 1 billion supply, however, after people burn some WISEr, it creates the opportunity for someone to add more funds to the contract and mint new WISEr, until the supply cap is reached again.
    WISEr can only minted up to 1 billion total supply
    Minters must add the proportional value to the contract +1%
There is a 1% fee for minting WISEr, which is added the the WISEr contract.
This allows new investors to purchase an WISEr position in what may otherwise be an illiquid buyers market. (WISEr sellers are always liquid via the contract)
WISEr Governance:
There is nothing to govern about WISE token itself, so we haven’t needed to launch our governance contract…until now!
– Governance controls how funds are utilized outside the contract
– Votes are determined by WISE shares (staked WISE)
– Team has veto power that can be removed with an 80% community vote
The utilization of funds in the WISEr contract (e.g. seeding Instant Pools on LiquidNFTs, seeding borrowing pools on the Wise protocol, etc.) will be decided by WISE stakers through governance. 
Voting power is determined by number of shares (staked WISE).
Since WISEr tokens represent the reserve funds for apps built by the Wise dev team, we are retaining admin rights for how the funds are held in the WISEr contract.
Our team is responsible for maintaining the apps we created, including the distribution of funds between currencies.
    Admin can swap funds in the WISEr contract between USDC, WETH and WISE as necessary through pre-defined hard-coded Uniswap paths.
    Admin cannot send or remove/rug funds. (That’s controlled by governance)
As a budding decentralized ecosystem, we hope to attract new developer teams to build apps on WISE token, and we want each team to have a say on how their own unique protocol runs, as long as there is a clear exit strategy built-in.
In our case, WISEr holders can exit our apps easily, by burning WISEr to redeem their share of WISE in our contract.
The Referral Program:
We created a referral program to help incentivize word of mouth marketing.
This is the same referral program that we used to raise 57,900 ETH in 50 days back in 2020 for the WISE token sale, which is now the largest liquidity pool on Uniswap V2
Introduction WISEr

What to expect in 2023?

We will constantly keep you updated on the latest developments and rumors regarding the Wise Token community and the use of the coin.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions, you can also ask our team in our Telegram Group or by using the contact form.

WISE Token Summary

● Minted ZERO team tokens
● Backed by Ethereum
● Created by a nonprofit
● Burnt LP tokens (or admin keys) making WISE 100% decentralized
● Has over $500 million in liquidity (Top 1 Token Pairing on Uniswap)
● Has two price floors; one variable floor and one unbreakable floor
● Staking platform interest yields 8–10% returns annually

● Too Risky - price volatility and no price floor
● Scams and prevalent greed
● Process is too difficult to learn
● Unsustainable design - token economics (tokenomics)

WISE is positioned to onboard the world to crypto by creating a token that is as fair as Bitcoin, protected from price volatility to the downside, has sustainable tokenomics, and is easy to use.

● Since the inception of Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency space has never seen a project as fair as WISE.
● Seed investors/founders are making millions with cryptos designed to pay them upfront (and there is no incentive to play fair).

Meanwhile the biggest opportunity has been left untouched...

● WISE has an unbreakable PRICE FLOOR!
● Maximum price correction 42% (if 100% of WISE was sold)
● Price floor increases from transaction fees daily
● Liquidity cannot be removed (Uni LP keys burned)
● The WISE smart contracts have NO admin keys!
● The WISE smart contracts are audited by Coinfabrik
● WISE ran a bug bounty program with 100 ETH rewards.

● WISE’s market cap can grow quickly, due to massive initial liquidity on Uniswap
●  Other projects hit ceilings when liquidity stretches thin
● WISE investors can cash in/out in large amounts without slippage
● WISE only creates 4% inflation (Less than Bitcoin's inflation)
● Bitcoin rewards miners, WISE rewards stakers
● Inflation is how staking rewards are generated

● WISE's launch is economically decentralized, like Bitcoin
● No team held tokens or perks
● All WISE must be purchased on the market fairly
● WISE is the first asset-backed cryptocurrency
● Backed by Ethereum
● WISE price is supported by Ethereum


White Paper: https://wisetoken.net/teal

Telegram: https://t.me/WiseToken

Twitter: https://twitter.com/wise_token

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/WiseStaking