Wise Reverse Token WISEr

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WISE Token Reserve WISEr

WISE Token Reserve

March 2, 2023 Peter 0 Comments


WISEr is the DAO token of the Wise Ecosystem.

All apps in the system send their revenue (platform fees) to the DAO, which progressively increases the claimable value for token holders.

The 50 day Auction:
The WISEr token sale is a 50 day long event, where 1.8% of supply is auctioned off each day to investors who pay in ETH. 
Each day is a fresh new auction, and price is determined by the total amount of ETH sent in by the end of that day. 
The total accumulated ETH is then lent out to borrowing pools in order to generate interest for the DAO.
1 Billion Supply Hard Cap:
    900 million for the auction (18m/1.8% per day for 50 days)
    90 million for referrals (10% commission on auction purchases)
    10 million for misc. (marketing, cex listing, etc.)


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