LiquidNFTs - Loans Live - We Love Wise Token

LiquidNFTs - Custom Loans

LiquidNFTs – Loans Live

March 8, 2022 Peter 0 Comments

Custom Loans Functionality is now live on 

Here’s how to get started:

1. Visit

On the homepage, connect your wallet of choice to get started. From here you can discover current loans or create a new loan!

2. List your NFT

Simply click “Create New Loan” and fill in the necessary details to list your NFT.

Custom loan proposals can be created for any NFT, but require an up to 5 day “attraction phase” to get the loan funded.

3. Fund a Listing

You may also choose to fund other custom loan proposals on the platform to start earning interest from the borrower.

To start, visit the “Discover Loans” tab on the homepage and select a listing to fund. 

4. Profit

You are incredibly early to the party, and we would love to have you join us.

This is only the beginning of a long journey to come.

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